150+ rental comps organized in an ever growing database
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Understand at a single glance the median rent/mo, median rent/sf, and median rent vs the quarter before.
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Well, let’s do some math. Say your rent assumption is off a mere $50/mo on a 12 unit property. That’s $600/mo or $7,200/yr. As we know, rentals are valued on their profitability. The Cap Rate in South City, Saint Louis is 6%. That’s $120,000 in value (7200 / .06 = 120000). A $50/mo miscue in your rent assumption can be the difference of $120,000. That’s how important it is to understand rents to the dollar.
Using the raw data you can find addresses linked to units that may be underpriced compared to their neighbors. Lots of times this owner is not aware they are missing out on rent premiums and you can purchase their property for more than their internal value. Making you a more competitive buyer.
Not decided yet? Click the below button and I will give you access to 15 real properties in South City for free.